Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Smart LaBLEs: Proximity, Autoconfiguration, and a Constant Supply of Gatorade

The paper aims to improve both user experience as well as business practices by using IoT enabled devices in retail space where the movement and reshelving of products can result in major reconfiguration of product signage and labels. The paper presents a detailed study of BLE channel characteristics, followed by the design and implementation of Smart LaBLEs which acts as a decentralized IoT hubs.

Key Points

- The paper mentions that it not necessary to determine the physical coordinates of each object in the environment; instead it is only necessary to order the objects in terms of nearness to the scanning device.

- Analysis regarding BLE channel covered in paper that define the design space of proximity- based systems:
1.     The distance between a scanning device and the nearest BLE tag must be less than twice the distance between the above tag with the adjacent ones.
2.     Long-term averages of RSSI values do not produce accurate estimates of the nearest tag due to channel fluctuations.
3.     Instantaneous RSSI values collected from tags with a small window (< 1s) are sufficient to pick the nearest tag assuming the antenna of all tags are oriented correctly. Performing averages over short windows can smooth out fluctuations due to tag orientation.
4.     Same type of tags with new batteries can produce different signal strengths. Tag orientation also affects the nearness ordering.
5.     Change in transmit power does not change the results.

- Use of IoT hubs to adopt the decentralized architecture and potentially allowing bandwidth and energy conservation in IoT systems.

- For the Smart LaBLE system, it is assumed that the relevant product information
could be transmitted in the initial advertising message sent in passive scanning mode.

- For passive scanning mode of communication, the smallest and the largest packet takes 80 us and 328 us transmit times respectively.

- Each Smart LaBLE is attached to a central computer for data collection to generate the results presented in this section/shelf. MAC address in the tag helps identify the particular item of product types.


- Verification with most popularly used topologies: circular and linear. Other variations: distance between the tags and scanning device, advertising period and the transmit power of each tags.

- Evaluation of the Smart LaBLEs shows a false detection rate of approximately 1%

-  Conservation of energy and bandwidth due to reduction in the frequency of advertising messages sent by tags.

- Automatic configuration of associated displays by Smart LaBLEs thereby removing the hassle of manual updates to the signage.

- System is able to maintain the info about the number of products left in the shelf of the tagged items.

Weakness and Discussions

- Time to hear advertising messages from all products is over 3s when using 12 products. Will it work in real life retail environment where the number of products will be a considerably large?

- Dynamic transmit power control can be leveraged to improve the efficiency of the system.

- In case of advertising message loss, dynamically changing the advertising time period might improve the system more.

- There is no mention of tracking of products in case of failure of BLE tags.


  1. Very nice description and understanding. Neat paper but could we avoid this problem and simply scan the product during stocking?

    1. Not sure which particular problem are you referring to? Do you mean the problem with faulty beacons/tags?

  2. I mean the entire problem! As we stock a product, we just scan it against the LCD/scanner display to pick up the code.


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